Welcome to MCL’s Youth Services Department.
We want the library to be a safe and peaceful place for everyone.
Here are our rules:
We want the library to be a safe and peaceful place for everyone.
Here are our rules:
- Parents/adult caregivers (18+) and kids under 8 stay together at all times. Kids under 8 go with the adults when their caregivers leave this floor.
- We control our voices and bodies by using inside voices, walking feet and keeping our talk and our movements calm and careful around other people.
- ·We keep our hands and other parts of our bodies to ourselves. We do not hit, kick, throw things or roughhouse.
- We only eat and drink at tables where there is tile instead of carpet, or with permission at tables in the YA/middle school area. We do not have food and drink in the computer and toy areas.
- We are respectful of the library space. We clean up our messes so we can continue to have food and drink privileges.
- We follow the rules for use of the computers. We treat the equipment gently.
- When we are using electronics with sound, we always use headphones or earbuds.
- Unless an adult is holding a small child, we sit one person per chair. We do not sit on tables or on the backs of furniture. We do not tip the chairs or do other things which weaken and damage the furniture.
- We use polite language. We speak respectfully and treat others kindly.
- We wear shoes.
- We store backpacks and bags in an area away from doors, the elevator and the desk.